LIC Community Boathouse offers free and fun kayaking for everyone in NYC for nearly 20 years! or

Free and fun kayaking in NYC is a hallmark of the LIC Community Boathouse, which has been serving the community for nearly 20 years! or

For nearly 20 years, the LIC Community Boathouse delivers free, fun kayaking opportunities to New Yorkers! or

The LIC Community Boathouse gives New Yorkers free and thrilling kayaking experiences, maintaining this tradition for almost two decades!
For nearly 20 years, the LIC Community Boathouse has been delivering free and thrilling kayaking experiences to New Yorkers, maintaining this beloved tradition and offering fun, accessible opportunities for all!"

Upcoming events

Saturday August 17th - Night Circumnavigation of Manhattan Island - This extraordinary trip is an LICCB tradition. It is absolutely not for everyone. Participants must have both adequate paddling skill and endurance for this all-nighter. Spots on this trip are for volunteers who have participated at least twice in our Hallets Cove events and/or in our work parties. Spots on this trip are limited.  Click here to request a seat on this trip!

Saturday, August 24th - 5am to 1pm - Urban Swim NYC Oyster Swim - Join the LIC Boathouse on a super early sunrise paddle trip on smooth, glassy water to shepherd swimmers around Governors Island.  Meet at the boathouse (4601 5th St in Long Island City) at 5am sharp. After the swim, we will land for a pit stop before paddling back to Queens. This event is for kayakers with moderate experience. After this event, participants will enjoy complimentary brunch at the boathouse.
First - Please register with Urban Swim
Second -
Sign up here to request a spot with LICCB!

Sunday, August 25th - 11am to 2pm - Hallets Walkup Kayaking - Paddlers of all ages are welcome! (Registration on site closes at 2pm. Paddling continues until everyone has had their turn.)

Volunteers are needed – Set up shift 9:30am to 1pm – Wrap up shift 12:30pm to 4pm. Please sign up here to let us know you will join us on Sunday

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LIC Community Boathouse
46-01 5th St.
Long Island City, NY 11101